EPLAN: More than electrical CAD The most powerful software for electrical design

EPLAN: More than electrical CAD
Reliable electrical schematic creation

Do you find yourself constrained by the limitations of your current CAD software? Are you burdened with repetitive manual tasks that are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors? As technology advances, many businesses involved in electrical design are now seeking alternative solutions that enhance their workflows, save them valuable time and also bolster their company’s panel-building process.

We'd be happy to help you take the next step in electrical design that goes beyond the use of your current CAD/ECAD software: the use of  EPLAN software. 

Is your machine building heading in the right direction?

Let’s take this journey together!

Stressed out by last-minute changes in panel building design?

Your client has requested control cabinets with a set delivery date. Your co-workers are using CAD software to create the electrical schematics, procurement has a table of required materials, and the production team has a document containing components, connections and terminals information. But then your client submits some last-minute changes. The pressure is on to make all the adjustments without losing sight of the end goal – delivering a flawless product on time. Your reputation as an excellent supplier is at stake, so the stakes are high.king the entire process stress-free.

Changes are made simple with EPLAN

While your average computer-aided design (CAD) software can be versatile in technical designs, it is important to note that dedicated electrical packages, like EPLAN, can significantly streamline electrical engineering workflows. With EPLAN, changes made to schematics are automatically updated in reports, lists, terminal and wire diagrams, and bills of materials, ensuring everything is always up to date. Plus, the option for an automatic wire numbering re-run is available, making the entire process stress-free.

Traditional CAD software vs EPLAN software

Result: More time is spent on regular day-to-day tasks which reduces the time available for more complex design projects.

Result: Less time is spent on regular day-to-day tasks which means more time for more important things

Six compelling reasons to switch from CAD to EPLAN software right now

We understand that it can be daunting to switch from your familiar CAD systems, and therefore, we at EPLAN want to make the journey from CAD to smart electrical design as simple as possible for you. In our free PDF, we show you why changing to EPLAN software will pay off for you and your company!

Scholle IPN Canada

Time spent on drawings reduced by 50%

Jean Philippe Linteau, an engineer and EPLAN user at Scholle IPN Canada, explains that their process has been streamlined with the use of EPLAN. The software handles everything from numbering, cross-referencing, and billing of materials to integrating electrical symbols. As a result, they've significantly reduced their drawing time by 50%. Previously, it took them a month to draw schematics, but now it only takes them about two weeks. Furthermore, they've eliminated the risk of mistakes when transposing everything from paper to software. 

The secret of how Scholle IPN Canada cut its panel design lead time by 50%
Scholle IPN Canada

Time spent on drawings reduced by 50%

Jean Philippe Linteau, an engineer and EPLAN user at Scholle IPN Canada, explains that their process has been streamlined with the use of EPLAN. The software handles everything from numbering, cross-referencing, and billing of materials to integrating electrical symbols. As a result, they've significantly reduced their drawing time by 50%. Previously, it took them a month to draw schematics, but now it only takes them about two weeks. Furthermore, they've eliminated the risk of mistakes when transposing everything from paper to software. 

Free Yourself from Manual CAD Software

Explore the reasons for switching from CAD software to a dedicated ECAD solution in this quick and helpful guide. Discover how an ECAD solution can revolutionise your working practices, and how EPLAN can help you overcome any concerns you may have about making the transition.

Why EPLAN? High quality, expert consulting, a flexible subscription service

ECAD software is an important tool for the professional creation of schematics, but EPLAN software offers you many additional advantages beyond this. Here’s what you can rely on when choosing EPLAN:

EPLAN Platform

High-quality software – now and in the future

EPLAN offers you the most powerful software on the market for electrical engineering. The software is continuously updated and improved based on our users' feedback to ensure we continue providing added value.

EPLAN Services

Comprehensive services from eLearning courses to customised consulting

EPLAN has a comprehensive array of support, training and consulting services for you. We start supporting you from the very first installation!

EPLAN Subscription

Subscription licences for flexibility

EPLAN software comes with a flexible subscription service, allowing you to regularly adjust your licence subscriptions to match your current needs.

Would you like to find out more about EPLAN’s software and services? We’re happy to help!